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Hello! Hope you all doing well!
I have some ideas to make adult comic, but I'm still trying to layout most of the story and stuff. It's still far away but I wanna ask which one suits best for this page, either black/white comic or colored page, or maybe any other input you can write down in the comment too!

Black/White comics : it's obviously faster, and maybe I can post it 2 pages per month
Colored comics : Since it'll be fully rendered, it will take longer to finish so maybe 1 page per month.

The other problem is what I should give on Tall and Grande tiers (which usually giving out the variant of pics) so I'm not sure on what to fill this gap.

Inputs and comments are appreciated, I kinda wanna try making short comics, but I'm afraid it'll take a long time to finish (like maybe 12 or more pages comic)

What do you think?



I'd say start with B/W, and if they do well, sprinkle in some colored ones!

Fen Longpaw

I'm fine forgoing extra when you're looking to try something so ambitious