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Here's a sequence featuring Leon S. Kennedy from Resident Evil 4. The idea was suggested by BetwixtNBetween.

"Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil as an anti-bioweapon bioweapon.  Maybe he's been made into an unstoppable mass giant to contain the biohazard threat because he's the only one who could handle the empowering properties of a new virus strain."

Leon volunteered to be part of an experiment to become a living weapon that could  fight against a new virus that showed up.

Leon is a really trustworthy agent, there's NO way that this experiment would make him let the power go to his head and become power and size hungry for more...right?

Hope you like it haha




Omg I wasn't expecting a whole sequence! This is awesome - and just in time with the RE4 remake release. Thanks for drawing my favourite boi Leon.


Perfect thing to see after a session of RE4make! Ahi va eso! 😠🧨


Belly against the glass... the experiment was a success >>b