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Here's a picture featuring Spark from Pokemon Go. The idea was suggested by PipthePuffin.

"I know that the Pokemon Go Team Leaders have recently had re-designs that are "controversial" to say the least and it's been a while since we've seen Spark. He could end up having a wardrobe malfunction at an Instinct party, trying to play it cool as his new outfit is slowly torn to shreds by a sudden growth spurt."

Seems like Spark is a lil' too dim to realize that he's constantly growing, so he keeps on stubbornly trying to put on his usual clothes, constantly destroying each piece of clothes he tries on...as his body slowly keeps on filling more and more space in his room.

Hope you like it!




Oooo Spark looks lovely! 😍😍😍


Always good to see more Spark! The pose really sells how big he is! And him being oblivious to the growth is totally in-character for him and a great spin on the idea! ⚡⚡⚡


Oh wow, great pose. This one is very hot.