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Hello! Hope you're having a nice start for your month of October.

As mentioned in the title, I decided to take some measures about Sketch Polls:

Starting from this month until further notice, Sketch Polls will be frozen for the time being. I already have too much of a backlog to keep on adding to it. I can work on the pending pictures if I dedicate and focus myself enough, but seeing the current sheer number is very defeating, and discouraging for me to even try doing and learning new things. So yeah, I won't be doing any polls that involve voting for which sketch will be finished in the next months until I get up to date with the pending pictures.

SUGGESTIONS WILL STILL BE GOING! I'll still be accepting suggestions, and draw the monthly sketches. Just yeah, there won't be any polls to decide if any of them is gonna be finished.

Hope you understand, and hope you have a nice weekend.




Completely understandable. I was wondering about the backlog. I’m glad you’re taking care of yourself instead!


Definitely, do what is best for you. The output of work already is great!