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Here's a picture featuring Thalas Aesfrost from Triangle Strategy. The idea was suggested by JT's Channel.

"Thalas Aesfrost from Triangle Strategy faces down Serenoa and House Wolffort and grows even more enormous as he demonstrates his new power and strength."

Just when Serenoa and the House Wolffort thought they had Thalas cornered in his castle, the whole building started violently shaking...along with the surrounding mountains!

Until a cloud of dust bursted out of the castle...a massive shadow being visible behind the debris. The shadow kept on raising and expanding in all directions. Once the dust cloud subsided, the shadow was completely revealed...it being Thalas himself! Having grown several times bigger, towering over the miniscule opponents.

He's gone full "final boss" mode, and wont let any who opposes him to leave alive!

Hope you like it!



JT’s Channel

Oh my gosh!!! He’s even more magnificent than before! Very hot! Thank you so much! ;D


Ooft wow, this is spectacular!