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Here's a picture featuring both Ethan and Silver from Pokemon Heart Gold/Soul Silver. The idea was suggested by and Chartias Robin Hafner. Put the two suggestions together since I think they fit each other well.

"Ethan/gold and Silver  receive a gift from delibird, which makes them grow ... but one is bigger than the other / A Delibird Gijinka seems like a super important thing to include. Maybe he's a pokeboy that needs to eat all the cookies and milk left out for him to get big enough to cross the world and deliver presents. Or he simply is a cute little Delibird boy who delivers gifts of massive growth and tons of food to pokeboys."

So here's a Delibird boi giving both Ethan and Silver a BIG gift for being good bois...

But seems like Silver still has some redeeming to do, because Ethan beat him by a MILE in size with how much of a good hearted boi he is~ Silver looks up to Ethan with jealousy, meanwhile Ethan looks down at his rival with an innocent, yet satisfied smile.

Hope you like it!



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