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Here's a picture featuring Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. The idea was suggested by both PipthePuffin and Allen U.

"We can't go this month without at least one Jack Frost suggestion. I've been absolutely hee-hooked on Shin Megami Tensei V these past few weeks, ho. Maybe SMT Jack Frost pranks Rise of the Guardians Jack Frost with a little growth spell that quickly ends up going out of control? / Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. Santa is explaining to the other Guardians that his sleigh is broken and his reindeer are injured from playing reindeer games and now he doesn’t have a way to deliver gifts this year. The Moon shines brightly on Jack Frost and he starts to grow. Jack quickly tries to run out of Santa’s Workshop before he ends up destroying it with his increasing size. As he finishes his growth, he leans on the mountain saying he’ll be the sleigh. After the Guardians finish gathering the presents and hoping on Jack, he asks the Moon if his size is enough to get around the world in time. In response, the Moon shines again and causes Jack to grow even bigger as he runs across the Earth causing a winter wonderland where he went. The Easter Bunny hoped this isn’t permanent"

So here's Jack Frost, growing overwhelmingly big and powerful thanks to the power of the moon, and his "distant cousins", the Jack Frost's from the SMT/Persona series! His foot seemed to cover all of the area that was Santa's Workshop!

He might be a lil nervous at first, but N¿now he'll have no problem helping out SAnta to leave gifts through aaaall the world!...and He fight find new ways to have fun with others at that size~

Hope you like it!




I love the uneasy smile on his face (and the Aurora Borealis in the background). 😊