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Here's a picture featuring Aaron from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. The idea was suggested by Snakeman. I took some liberties with the idea.

"One suggestion is Burgh and Arron from pokemon. Love these two bug boys and feel like they need some appreciation."

Bug type Pokemon are probably one of the most underrated types in the series. And for that reason, both Aaron and Burgh decided to join forces, and find a way to show both the beauty and strength of Bug Pokemon!

How so? Well, their research led them to find out that Combee and Vespiquen's honey have some strengthening properties. And both of them being quite familiar with this pokemon, they brought a bunch of Combee, and one Vespiquen to lead them all, to Burgh's gym, which was a beautiful, bug themed art museum.

They went to the biggest chamber of the museum, so all the bee pokemon had enough space to fly around, and produce their honey...and the other, BIGGER reason for this, is because the powering up property of the honey was going to be tested right there! 

Aaron, excited to show to everyone the MIGHT of Bug Pokemon, he offered himself to give the honey a try! Burgh couldn't be happier to assist him, knowing that they would make a BIG impact to the current social paradigm.

And so, Aaron, sat down at the back of the room, preparing himself for the sweet treats he's gonna get, as Burgh sent out his Vespiquen. With his graceful moves, he ordered his queen bee pokemon to make her combee start producing honey, and feed it to Burgh, Vespiquen seeming to understand right away. With some ordering signals, Vespiquen was able to order the whole swarm of Combees to start working, and they worked fast! In a matter of minutes, the first buckets of honey started flyinf towards Burgh, being carried by one of the Combees.

Burgh rubbed his hands, as his mouth was filled with drool...the honey looked really sweet and tasty! Once he got the bucket, he started to gulp it down! It was JUST the right amount of liquidy and thick, thick enough to have the signature chewiness of honey, but liquid enough to easily swallow it! Just with the first bucket, Aaron's already short top started riding up, as his belly started to bloat up by the big amounts of sweet liquid was falling down his stomach. Once he was done, he sighed satisfiedly, and patted his distented belly...but then his body started trembling, him looking down at it, curious at what was this feeling he's never felt before.

And so it begun...he could feel a rush of energy course through his whole body! And as he did, his body started pulsing bigger! Both in muscle and height! His already tight clothes easily snapping at the pulses of growth, each one adding more mass and bulk to Aaron's overall skinny build. Once he was done growing from the first dose, he was just as big as Marshall from the Elite Four! Once he examined all the changes, he smiled back at Burgh, his eyes shining in excitement, and couldn't help but to demand "MORE!"

Burgh, delighted at the reaction his previously smaller friend (since now Aaron is most probably taller than Burgh), ordered Vespiquen to keep it going! And all the bees kept going...

Each bucket adding more and more size to the previously scrawny trainer, his muscles now surpassing the build of any famous or popular trainer in the whole world! His pants, already shredded from the massive thighs and calves, were no more, as his boxers looked more like a thong that tried its best to contain the beast that was Aaron's constantly growing bulge...it seemed to pulse and twitch bigger even when Aaron wasn't drinking honey...seems like the green haired boy was having too much fun with this~

THe feeding kept going, as Aaron kept on feeling up the considerably big room, each of his shoulders pushing each opposite wall, his head bumping into the ceiling, cracks appearing on the walls and ceiling on the area where Aaron's bulk was impacting into...Same for the floor too! The energetic, hungry boy's bulk and weight was becoming too much for the gym! But it was still not enough for Aaron, as he kept on demanding for more! And Burgh couldnt help himself but to keep on indulging the younger trainer's demands. Not that he had much of an option, since Aaron could probably easily catch Burgh if he decided to leave...but thankfully, seems like Burgh was having as much fun as Aaron with the whole situation.

Soon, all of Unova, and the rest of the world, will be able to see the beauty and might of Bug Type Pokemon! By showing what's possible with their power, showing it off with the growing, young titan that Aaron was becoming...

Hope you like it!



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