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Here's a picture featuring Lancelot from Granblue Fantasy. The idea was suggested by Juan Esquijarosa.

"What about vane and Lancelot from Granblue fantasy enjoying a picnic together and shenanigans ensue"

It was a peaceful day at the beach, where both Vane and Lancelot were having a nice picnic together. 

As a way to congratulate Lancelot for all his hard work, Vane prepared a special drink for him, which was full of vitamins and energy directly extracted from powering up materials, all for his buddy Lancelot.

THe potion worked...way too well. The moment Lancelot chugged down the whole drink, he exploded in size right in front of Vane! Who was too slow to avoid his friend's massive butt, pinning the strong blond down to the ground!

Lancelot, who was laying down from the sudden surge of size and power, was tryiing to gather himself together, and trying to see if Vane was somewhere safe...not knowing that his smaller, blond friend was currently trapped between his gallant buns...

Hope you like it!




Yeees omg i love it, i hope it gets a continuation later fingers cross