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Here's a picture featuring Gladion from Pokemon Sun/Moon. The idea was suggested by JD Ceramics.

"How about Gladion from Pokemon. He stumbles onto a secret project of his father's in the Aether Foundation which makes him into the massive guardian of the fifth artificial island of Alola. Growing him MASSIVE and muscular to protect the Alola region."

1. Since he had to take care of Aether Paradise by himself now, Gladion started to supervise the installments. But while wandering around his mom's secret chambers, he found yet another secret entrance...

What he found there, was similar to the labs on the subterranean floor of Aether Paradise, but the technology there seemed like it hasn't been used for years.

Gladion investigated further, until he found what seemed like something a person show be laying down, surrounded by a bunch of screens and wires. Gladion just took one step further, and as if he had stepped on a trigger, all machines turned on and started making noises. The screens turning on, showing a humanoid figure...that started increasing in size?

Gladion was too caught in all the machinery going back to working. What he didn't know, is that this was a secret chamber that belonged to his father, where he was researching to see if it was possible to artificially a 5th Guardian of Alola to take care of Aether Paradise...


Suddenly the best rushed towards Gladion, caught of guard, crabbing his wrists and legs with some kind of claws! The machine was too strong for Gladion, trying to struggle out of it. Then, a couple of snake-like hoses, with needles on their tips, raised up like snakes...and injected themselves on Gladion's nipples! Gladion yelped in pain, but the pain was then replaced by the feeling of his pecs being filled with some kind of green liquid. His pecs ballooned up and up, to the point they looked like overblown beach balls! Gladion had no idea what was  going on, but his pecs weren't the only thing growing...

2. ...His body was also increasing in size! Not only size, but muscle too! His previously scrawny build kept on getting filled up with muscle mass, his whole body constantly expanding from the liquid that kept on flwoing into his body! Until the machine ran out of liquid, and if they knew it was over, the hoses got off Gladion's body. He thought this would stop now...but his body kept on growing, filling up the chambers with his massive, growing body, destroying the machinery around him!.

3. He was getting too big for the chambers, and could barely move...until the place finally bursted from the growing young blond that was inside! His massive body falling butt.first into the sea, making a huge splash, and making the whole artificial Island shake, alerting all inhabitants! But event by then, Gladion didn't stop growing...

4. Gladion kept on growing, his growth only seeming to increase in speed and expansion each second! In just a few seconds, he already surpassed the size of the whole artificial island...and kept going! He has covered the whole Aether Paradise, and even some of the other Alolan Islands, with his dark, looming shadow, covering the sun with all his mass.

The growth finally seemed to subside....Gladion just bigger than any of the Alolan islands! His massive pecs put Wailord's size to shame, making them look like smooth islands by themselves, followed by his abs that looked like smaller islands. He barely had time to think about moving, but thankfully, the artificial island was safe...except that his intimidatingly massive manhood was softle laying on top of the island, the inhabitants panicking over what kind of pokemon was this massive sea serpent!

Gladion took his time to proccess what was going on...but then he could see some colorful lights heading his way...They were the Tapus! Gladion assumed that they were coming to defend the islands from the threatening beast that he's become.

Once they got there, they didn't seem aggressive...if anything, they seemed to recognize him. They started to make their signature cries, while dancing around him. Gladion, confused by all this, was at least relieved that they knew he wasn't a threat...if anything, now that he was able to realize he was able to move just fine, and see how massively powerful he became...he would have no trouble protecting the ones he cares about. And the Tapus were quite aware of this, since what they were doing was their ceremony to nominate a new Alola Guardian, Gladion, the official Guardian of Aether Paradise!

Hope you like it!




Looks like the Muscle Chemicals works

JT’s Channel

Magnificent size! Wonderfully big. ;)
