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Here's a sequence featuring Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI, specifically his Dissidia looks. The idea was suggested by JT's Channel.

"Locke Cole from FFVI (Dissidia design) stealing an artifact from the Gestahlian Empire that causes him to develop immense hunger. He eats everything (and everyone) in his path and grows enormously muscular with a big gut to boot."

1. Locke infiltrated the Gestahl Empire's castle after hearing of an invaluable, Eidolon gem they recently found in a cave. It's said to hold mysterious powers from the Eidolon called Atomos, being that is able to swallow whole worlds whole!

He didn't have much of a hard time infiltrating in, since it was almost a passtime for him. But once he took the gem, the soldiers already felt his presence, so he started to run for it! THe soldiers starting to gether in big numbers, chasing after him.

The more soldiers there were, the more excited Locke got with how risky the situation was. 

While Locke was running away, the gem started to let out some purple sparkles out of it, seeming to have activated in a way...

2. Locke kept on running, too focused to notice that he was being surrounded by some kind of purple energy coming out of the gem, the gem itseld disintegrating in a way, seemeing that it was evaporating into energy, and being absorbed into Locke's body.

The soldiers started to slow down as they noticed what was happening...Locke was becoming faster not just for the raised energy in his body, but because his legs could reach further distances with each step with how he was growing!

THe soldiers could see how his back flared out with sheer mass and power, shredding the back of Locke's top clothes...follower by his massive butt, the buns bursting out of the fabric, looking like they were the size of beach balls. The thick legs and massive feet getting rid of his pants and shoes.

Once he felt like it was feeling a little breezy with the lack of clothes, Locke finally stopped and looked down at his massive still growing body. Not only he looked great, but he also felt great, he felt the most powerful he's ever been in his whole life! But before he could keep on enjoying his whole body, a deep, ominous growling noise came from his stomach, echoing throughout the whole hallway. He looked back at the soldiers, who looked more like toy soldiers to him at this point, the lil soldiers staggering from his piercing glare. They weren't either toys or soldiers for him anymore...they were snacks~

3. Locke devoured everyone and everything on his way, the soldiers barely being able to escape with how huge, yet very nimble and agile the hungry giant was! It was like a titan with the capabilities of a very nimble thief! And each snack he got just added up more and more to his size.

Almost by incident, Locke was able to eat his way through until he arrived to the kitchen! The royal cooks paralyzed out of fear. Locke thought the cooks were looking mighty tasty...but the food was looking even tastier~ So he started to dig into the delicious food that was already prepared. Almost by instinct, the boss of the cooks ordered everyone to keep on cooking. Best to have more food for the growing giant rather than being his snack!

Locke kept on growing and growing, and seeing how the lil' cooks were bringing food to him, he just made himself comfortable, letting his big, heavy butt plop down, making the whole castle shake, as he kept on receiving more and more food from a bunch of fearful cooks. Even if they tried their best with the food, Locke couldn't help himself but to eat some of the cooks that brought the food too. The cooks were trapped in a vicious cycle, they just had to keep on cooking, making the already gigantic threat grow even bigger and stronger, as the threat himself was filling up the whole dining room...

4. Once the food was completely gone, the cooks apologized to the growing, greedy thief, asing for mercy...he just scoffed at this, and started to eat everything AND everyone once again, the cooks barely having a chance the giant who could easily eat whole rooms in just a few bites at this point. He kept on eating and growing more, from furniture, people and whole rooms too...even a certain king and a certain jester couldn't escape the fate of ending into the gigantic man's gullet. And as he kept on growing, the more he destroyed the whole castle with his sheer mass, until he towered over the destroyed remains of the castle...

He just plopped down, making himself comfortable on the ruins, rubbing his stuffed belly, seeming to be satisfied for now...besides, that empire was better gone with all the harm they were doing. 

...But seems like this was just a small morself for the growing thief at this point.

Hope you like it!



JT’s Channel

Holy cow!!!! This is amazing!!! And so very hot!!! Locke’s looking great with the size upgrade, for sure. ;D


THank you! Locke's really really cute, so wanted to do him justice with your idea. So glad you liked it ;u;


My favourite sketch has switched three or four times this month. 😋