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Here's a picture featuring Henry from Fire Emblem Awakening. The idea was suggested by thispleasessenpai.

"Henry Fire Emblem messing around with magic, then suddenly he starts to expand every which way, mostly in the stomach and rear department."

Seems like both Henry and Robin were trying to figure out a new potion to power up their army...but it woked WAY too well. THe moment Henry added the last ingredient, the moment the fumes from the cauldron touched Henry's skin, he suddenly surged in size! His head crashing into the ceiling, his shoulders almost reaching both opposite walls...and his massive, growing butt pinning Robin up to the wall behind Henry.

Henry, curious about the effect, wondered what would happen if he drank the potion, since just the fumes were potent enough, but he did tell RObin to tell him to stop in case things seemed too dangerous...too bad RObin has nothing to do since Henry's butt is getting in the way. Hopefully the rest of the army are prepared for the impact that Henry is gonna give once he takes a sip~

Hope you like it!
