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Here's a picture featuring Razor from Genshin Impact. The idea was suggested by Amaranth Anhrefn.

"I’d like to suggest that razor being the wolf boy that he is, get super big and muscular. Maybe he fused with Boreas or his Electro vision to become super big and muscular. Pinning your personal oc/Persona down and wagging his new tail. Giving you kisses and declaring you his Lupical~ protecting you from all the mean Hilichurls and monsters like a true wolf should."

One day, after Aether and Razor decided to camp outside during a stormy night, Aether woke up to a very particular view...

He was woken up by a bunch of licks, for a moment, Aether thought that a puppy sneaked into the camping tent, but once he opened his eyes, all he could see was Razor's big (much bigger than normal) blushy face, who kept on affectionately licking Aether's face.

The tent was fully destroyed, not by any enemy from outside...but by Razor's sheer size! He's grown several times his size! Not only that, but is muscles were far bulkier and bigger than any other human OR creature Aether has seen in his journeys.

Another weird thing was...he seemed to have a tail? He could notice how a big fluffy tail was wagging behind the bulky titan that had Aether pinned down with love. Did something happen during the night of the storm that made im change like this?

Well, he seemed fine besides the physical changes and ow affectionate he was being...so Aether didn't worry about Razor's well being.

"You're my Lupical..." Razor said to the smaller blond, with a very passionate tone. Aether as been traveling together with Razor for a while by now, and he was kinda used for Razor to call him his "Lupical"...but something about the way Razor said it this time...it felt more like a confession more than a casual thing to say.

So now Aether had his hands full with an overly affectionate Razor that would never let go of him...wondering if he'll ever go back to normal, or this is something that he'll have to get used to from now on...

Hope you like it!



Amaranth Anhrefn

Big wolf must protect little wolf.