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*EDIT*: Belly Version added

Here's a picture featuring both Terry Bogard and Rock Howard from Fatal Fury. The idea was suggested by JT's Channel.

"I had an idea that involves Terry Bogard and Rock Howard from Fatal Fury growing huge as a result of Rock’s delicious cooking. Terry grows especially enormous as he’s already a very heavy eater and thus ate the most."

After Rock cooked a bunch of burgers to celebrate the victory him and Terry achieved in a Tag Team Tournament, they were about to dig in...until Ash showed up. Ash explained that he was in charge of giving them one last "prize" beside the trophy for winning the tournament. So, since the food was ready, he first offered them that he was going to serve the food for them, since it would be pretty easy with his magic powers. Both Terry and Rock accepted the offer wholehheartedly, sitting down on the counter, expecting their food eagerly.

Ash, using telekinesis to guide the burgers towards both Terry and Rock, made the task pretty easy, even when both Terry and ROck were basically guzzling the burgers down pretty quickly. But what both hungry boys didn't  know, is that Ash was giving them their "extra prize" right now...he was infusing magic into the burgers, giving them very ...EXTREMELY nutritious properties...while also making them even more tasty~

Each dozen of burgers made the blonds' bellies bloat bigger and bigger, both their bellies landing on top of the counter. Each of them letting out some loud belches to make some space in their bellies to eat more...but with each belch, they surged bigger in size and muscle. With the pace they were having, their growth was escalating quite quickly, since the bigger they got, the hungrier they got. This was no issue for Ash, since he was using is magic to multiply the burgers, so there was plenty of food to go for thhis hungry, growing titans~

Out of the two big boys, Terry was the one that was growing the quickest and biggest, with how big his appetite is even when he's at normal size. Both boys crashing their seats they were sitting on, not bothering to stop eating with ow hungry they were, kept on growing bigger, and filling up the whole place with teir sheer size, while Ash was happily guiding more burgers toward their hungry maws with dancing-like motions.

Who knows how much will it take to satisfy this growing champions...

Hope you like it!
