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Thank you so much for subscribing this month! This is what you'll get in the pack at the begining of October!

October Update

So, I'm actually back in school, but only for one class that will finish in late November. Thus, I don't think it should have a major impact on me producing art for you. Note however that the next 2 packs will probably look like this one or have 5 sets instead of 6. That said, your boy's gonna finaly have his bachelor OwO

We've reached 100 patrons this month! Thank you so much for supporting me!! To give back, if on Oct 5th we are still at 100+ patrons, I will contact one of you to make you a quick drawing. I will also send out to everyone a 100% discount code to a pack chosen trough a future poll for you to download through my Gumroad UwU

Thank you for filling in the Survey, for those who did. I learned a lot from you guys and it made me realize that what I do on here is not bad at all haha. On that note, by taking your points from the survey, starting with the one from September, you will now have a 2 month window to download the pack sent to your DMs. Keep in mind that to have access to those packs, you have to have been subscribbed to an appropriate tier during said month. I'm gonna leave the survey open for 2 more weeks. So if you haven't filled it, you sill have the chance to~

In an effort to make my Discord server more active, I'm going to bring some changes to it. For starters, I'm going to kick out innactive users and lurkers from the server on October first. I'm also going to remove Patreon integration because I feel like it's not necessary. That said, there will be an access link on this page and when you first subscribe that you can use to join the server. There are instruction in the Annoucements channel on the server to tell you how to stay. This is not a ban, if you want to come back, you can always use the link on my Twitter page.

My base models have changed, so it's possible that you might see characters with slighly different body types in the future.

There's a new way monthly payments can be processed on Patreon. Either we keep things as is, where you pay every 1st of the month, or you pay on the same day you subscribed. The change is irrevisible, thus I will make a poll following this post to let you decide which way you prefer.

That is all! I hope to see you during October <3



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