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CONTEXT: Ermes is on a break from all the bureaucratic stuff that the drafting of their contract entails. He shifts closer to the cage where Dario is still locked up. The Vampire is sitting on the bench inside the cell. He's reading Ermes's personal file that Ermes himself gave him because “It is only fair, since I was given yours”


“Found anything interesting?”, Ermes inquires, looking down at him.

“Not by chance”, Dario shrugs, feigning indifference. Then he pauses, before adding: “But something is missing”.

Ermes frowns, lost. Dario snaps closed the folder, resting it against his tight.

“They made me take some photos, before bringing me here. I’m sure you know which ones I’m talking about”.

Ermes’s face reddens and Dario has to consciously will himself to not let it distract him.

“I guarantee you I did not look at those”, the boy replies. Dario doesn’t even want to lose breath voicing his mistrust.

“Still, they were a part of my file”, he pins Ermes with a glare. “While yours are missing”.

Ermes’s eyes go wide. He seems to finally understand where the conversation is ending up to. He glances away, a barely-concealed pained expression making his face drain from all of the pretty flush. He puts his hands in his pockets, shoulders hunching.

“Do you require them?”, he asks in a thin but steady voice.

Dario’s nostrils flare. He wants to say yes. God, he wants so badly to dump all the blame on this boy and make him pay for every unfair thing that Humans made him endure. He’s a Lauda, after all, he probably deserves it, doesn’t he?

The Lauda in question stays still. He’s waiting for Dario’s final word, not even able to look back at him. Without a doubt, Dario realizes that if he dared to ask, he would pathetically comply. With him, Ermes has done nothing but cower and comply.

He’s so young, for fuck’s sake. I’m better than this.

He stands up hastily and presses the folder against Ermes’s chest through the bars, gritting his teeth.

“Don’t be so eager to overshare”. 

Ermes blinks, startled. He opens his mouth to counter back, but then seems to change his mind. He sighs instead.

“Thank you”. He tightens the hold on his file, protectively.

Dario rolls his eyes to hide a frankly bothersome and surely misplaced surge of guilt.



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