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My sincere apologies for the lack of communication over the past few months. I won’t get into details, but my IRL really ramped up this year for a number of reasons. I didn’t intend to take a few months hiatus, it just kind of evolved into one. I have been logging onto patreon to pause payments regularly and making a mental note to write an update that I just didn’t manage to write. Which was unprofessional and out of character for me, so again, I do apologize. Thanks for all who stuck around <3

I am still here! I just havent had the time or energy to maintain this (for now at lease) side hussle the past few months. I won’t pretend the break hasn’t helped me though! I played BG3 a bit a few months back, which was the first game I had gotten to play in years ^^.

Progress stalled but never fully stopped. I have brought shot 128 up to gold (with some heavy edits) and am about 80% done with shot 162. After that I will need to do some cleanup/edits for shot 163 and some minor edits (professional animator talk for “make the dick bigger”) for shots164 and165. This is to remove the seams from the insert that was voted in last update. After that I will try to do one more continuity improvement, probably bringing shot 171 up to gold. That would take the update to 15-18 seconds of polished animation, so enough for a cycle.

This cycle won’t be this month, it will be for the end of November. So I will pause October. After that, there will be about a 50/50 chance I will be able to do a December cycle, depending on how much of the Christmas vacation I’ll have free to animate; after that I anticipate returning to 2 month cycles.

Looking forward, I will probably do another ~3 DGA focused cycles before moving on to MLK, with the intention of cutting what I have planned for that down and finishing it off.

For DGA, I will likely focus one cycle on continuity improvements like this cycle (maybe focused on shots 129-133 to remove that old renamon island, and shot 174 to make a nice uninterrupted 19 polished shot block in the backend) before focusing on developing the missing shots at the start of the animation for a cycle or two. This should leave around 110 complexity points for the animation to come back to after MLK.

Anyway, thanks again for those who stuck around! I promise, the only way these projects will ever be abandoned is if I die :)




Hell yeah!!

The American Fox

What happened to the 25 dollar rewards for april

Dev Softpaw

Happy to see you back