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Thanks for your support and patience so far this year!

image WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/gt4gbevfos7cor6vyzatk/h?dl=0&rlkey=kyei6sh3krhhof1aunwsbpwpw

video WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/0nuujl512vk73avjwfit0/h?dl=0&rlkey=mnt33f8cn0pbdmgv1gl5utu0j

I strongly recommend downloading the videos and watching them locally, as dropbox's playback compresses the life out of them :(

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you have any feedback!



AZuka Tongaoski

I am not part of the $15 tier and received all the benefits in an email as well as all the benefits in the $5 tier which I am in. Was that intentional?


Damn...that chest smothering when it swells out, god that's such a good touch X///3


Wow, that chest bump into the SMUSH kinda made me feel the big funny in the most unexpected of ways, really great work!!


It says the folder is empty