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Hey all!

Thanks again to everyone who participated in the feedback form last month; I've gotten some great data from it and will be writing up a more detailed review of it later this month, detailing my interpretations and some change in plans.

Before I do that though, one of the things which has come up is that some people have suggested that I share shots as I complete them, rather than waiting till the end of the cycle and releasing them all.

A second consideration is that while I have had generally positive communication results (with ~75% of supporters giving me 4 or 5), there is still room for improvement in the eyes of many.

If I were to share work as I make it, then I will be also providing extra updates and communication. I would still release rewards at the end of the cycle, but these won't have anything new in them beyond updated compilations of the WIPS and whatnot. A downside to doing this though, would be that I end up spending a little more time administering patreon instead of working (I anticipate it will take 20-30 mins to render and compress a render and upload and post it), and it might ruin any reveal factor which people might have.

But I don’t know how much you guys value these components. So, just quickly, I will ask you specifically;

Do you want me to:



Personal, I would love to see a compromise. A post / frame or two every now and then, full release when everything is ready 👍 hopefully lower the admin time, but increase the community / communication.

Jean-Luc Picard

Would definitely love to see more of what you have, rough or not. Think the reveal factor has been played out for me imho.