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Thanks for your support and patience in December!

image WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/an0hk9rkdnlxw1f/AABuzd7ljoEaviHGfjMfh8GPa?dl=0

video WIPS: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wyeaqnujzxd61wv/AADVy6KzTuhvZf3cL9H2x-cHa?dl=0

WIPS for All Months: https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5gr5xyvos2uaw3/AllLinks.txt?dl=0

HD Dragon Growth: https://www.dropbox.com/s/q4o88t21auvkkt2/DGAC-101015.mp4?dl=0

HD My Litle Kaiju: https://www.dropbox.com/s/20f8n2lmohk65cf/MyLittleKaiju_6Mbps.mp4?dl=0

I strongly recommend downloading the videos and watching them locally, as dropbox's playback compresses the life out of them :(

Please let me know if there are any issues, or you have any feedback!

Cheers <3




Dude…this is looking awesome so far!! 💙💙 As I’ve read, in the shot 096, if you want something, in my opinion, I would use a bit more of camera angle, I would use a POV from the wolf to see back as his “package” after she looks at his face, then she looks back at him and stands up. My point is to give some kind of camera angles of admiration to his new size! Hope this can help or at least give you an idea! Lovely hoss boy!