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Its a day later than I would have liked, but I will be linking everyone to their rewards in about 24 hours. Thanks everyone who has stuck through the past month, dealing with the Patreon hacking thing. I hope you weren't effected at all!

The HD video for October is the Gym Rats video; though I will also be linking to part 3 HD again as well since there were so many people who jumped on board this month for that very reason.

For November, I will be offering a video which has dragon growth parts 1-3, together in 'HD' for those at the $10+ level. HD is in commas here because parts 1 and 2 were not rendered in widescreen, let alone HD; but they will be as HD as they can be. It may be a bit jarring to see the resolution and aspect ratios jump through the videos, as well as Andre's model itself change, but I HAVE managed to change the post production of the second video to fit in with the third. If you watch the second video on FA or YT, you will see that its very dark and saturated; that has been corrected.

It is the best I can offer until the first video is re-rendered, which I am currently progressing on as you will see in the rewards tomorrow ^^.


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