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Hey guys, I know with all this Covid-19 business that's going on that financial situations are a bit tough right now. I've gotten a few concerned messages from those who can't keep supporting due to the financial situation being rough right now and apologising.

DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ME, DO NOT APOLOGISE. Please put yourself first, if you are at worried in any capacity about your financial situation please don't keep pledging.
I hope this post also reminds those who accidentally left their Patreon on auto-renew who didn't intend to.

Please stay safe and take care of yourself. Do what you have to do and wash your hands.

I'm staying in-doors and trying my best not to procrastinate on videos, wishing you guys all the best. <3



Stay safe too Connor!! 💞


💜💜💜 keep safe Connor.


Stay safe Connor


I'm sure you will survive Connor my sweet prince... If us patreon folk's can't keep you a lot I am sure after your Grindr sponsorships there are penty of "Gay for Pay" casting couch video's that can support you through this crisis, haha... love ya buddy


Apologizing* APOLOGIZE* smh


You're so sweet, Connor ❤ I hope you're doing well. We love you! 😄


💖💖 stay safe Connor


Im new as a patron but I appreciate the message. Thanks for your uplifting outlook during these tough times! :)