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Sorry for being a bit silent as of recent, it's been very crazy going around the US and doing as many conventions as possible, and I've even met some of you Patreons multiple times! Argh it's been an amazing experience, but my activity online has definitely suffered for it. I will be a lot more active from September onwards since I won't have any conventions for a while to worry about!

SECOND OF ALL! BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!!! What ever could it be? Well you know how people LOVE my cosplay and sometimes wonder what on earth I do with them? WELL I figured, what better idea than auction them off for charity?! So on the 17th of August this month I will be auctioning off my cosplay for charity on a live stream! To make it easier on me, as well as ensure people don't troll too hard, only Patreons will have access to the voice channel to bid on cosplays for Charity. SO if you'd like to pick up one of my dumb cosplays and help charity at the same time I hope I'll see you there!

Finally my Patreon panel this month will be next Sunday (18th) I will make a post closer to the time announcing the time (As I'm not sure when yet)

Anyway! I hope you're all excited for the stream and I hope to see many of you there!

Much love,



A twofold closet clearing and charity event! I like it. Keep being your awesome self, Connor


You can bet your ass I'm gonna be there bidding on the front lines.