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Hey guys! Hope you're all doing great! Welcome to all the new beautiful patreon! And I hope you're mourning the loss of the beautiful weather. 😭 I was planning on doing some more livestreams this month and I was thinking I should ask you guys what you'd like to see! More games? Editing? Maybe drawing terrible portraits, who knows? 😂 I also would love to do something for just you Patreons, is there anything you'd like to see from me? I have a few ideas at the moment of a one off things I could do for you guys: A Patreon exclusive Q&A on the discord server. Show videos early whenever I get them. Discuss video ideas with you guys I honestly just want to do more for you all and I'm not sure what you'd guys love to see from me! Please let me know, if you have any questions or comments don't be shy! Comment away I want to hear more from you guys!



Personally, I would love to see you do more anime drawing challenges with different YouTubers. Those were awesome.


Yes! I actually loved doing those I'm really considering asking some other YouTubers who I think might be perfect!


I would also like to see you do more anime drawing challenges! They’re funny and I like to try and guess who you’re drawing as well.


I would love to discuss video Ideas with you! If I helped you to even come up with an idea for a video It would make me feel like I am truly helping my idol and that would be amazing to me. In short, all I want to do is help you achieve your goal and actually helping to make a video would be a dream come true <3


Yes to all those streaming ideas! Maybe you could try to play 'guess the anime character' and get the chat to guess, possibly in conjunction with editing/ gaming just to switch it up a little bit in between?


I’d love to see you game/draw!


Streaming more sounds awesome and I think the patreon q&a would be pretty neat too. I honestly would love to see more voice impression videos as well! You should definitely make a part 2 to the yaoi readings video.


I have a few ideas for videos: another cheap cosplays from china episode where you do all the characters you do voices for (like sebastian, levi, shizuo etc.), another people guessing your anime drawings episode, more butlers against humanity (i know you said they weren't fun anymore and i understand, if it really isn't fun anymore i don't want you to force it. but maybe consider at least trying again to see if it's fun again. no pressure though, you do so much for us <3)


Honestly right now, I'm in love with the prank calls, yaoi reading and drawing videos. They're such a delight to watch! And streaming sounds good too, it would be awesome if you kept streaming while editing! :D


Hey cdawgva meet your newest patreon


It's been a while since we've seen anything Tsukiyama related? Though I get it if doing his voice gets to be a bit much on you. He is certainly an OUT THERE chara. Haha.


Hey Connor!


Hello CDawg. I’m trying to start my own YouTube channel. You’ve inspired me through your videos. By making them you’ve made me laugh instead of cry, create my own art instead of break down... I come home almost every day with dread, knowing I’ll get beat up yet again by my mother and sister. I admit to attempting to overdose a few times, to try and escape my pain. My family has gotten better and we’re seeing a therapist, but things are still rough. I recently moved to a new town that’s really small and not very accepting of who I am. I’ve always used YouTube as a distraction from reality, an escape. I saw one of your videos in my recommended section and watched it out of curiosity... the way you carry yourself and don’t


Seem to fear ridicule has made me more confident in myself and I truly thank you for that. I will always support you and watch your videos. I wish the best for you, Connor.


Nice :-)


Okay let me just get this out the box for a quick minute. Yes I love your videos very much and I really am happy to support you. but I just have this thing in my head that is making me think twice of what to do. No I have a problem with how much like per month to pay. I'm usually someone who can pay up the $15 and buy the looks of it when I looked at the awards it looks off little. I don't know if this is because you know that you're happy that everyone is able to support that high and I really appreciate like I'm not saying that you know people shouldn't pay you this much like if that's just her choice but is just the awards like someone like me like if I don't have enough money to support you all months but support you some months and then have to leave I don't want to be like okay I'm going to give him like $50 that I need for my groceries and I'm getting all these awards but if I give you $15 it'll be like a different story like I'll be like limited with only like discord and stuff and then I'll be like what it goes people who can't be like in big stuff because I'm paying a little bit. now I don't know if you have plans to change in the future and you just need some updates I don't know what's happening but all I know is that I am an artist myself and the writer added to that and I supporting up to six patorns and the reason why I'm supporting them all is because I'm the $15 and it's way like interesting because they go up to $15 and he still get a lot of money so I don't know if you have plans to change it or is it just me but I really want to know anything in the future about your stuff.


Hey! Appreciate you giving me your honest thoughts. Honestly, I agree with many points you raise, the higher rewards are obviously much better than the lower ones. For me it's an issue of time, currently, I spend a lot of time on the higher tier rewards, and I don't think it would be feasible for me to do those rewards for lower as I'm currently at my limit for the amount of stuff I can already handle alone. I would like to change my rewards as my channel grows to adapt and give rewards that are more appealing to everyone. I'm open to ideas, and I spend a lot of time trying to think of rewards that people will really enjoy. However right now I'm doing a lot of conventions (currently at one right now haha) and finding time is difficult, so I don't imagine there will be many changes until the fall.


Also for me, although I appreciate consistent support, I tell everyone that I don't care how long you pledge for, I just want people to be comfortable with however much they support me.