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Here's another one for those of you who just want the audio versions of these episodes. I was joined by Shuli Egar, Tookie, and KC Armstrong as we discussed the week in Stuttering John and what a week it was! John was at his mom's house for the holidays - he saved Christmas, showed off to his family, got sick, got better, got pranked, put up signs, threatened KC, threatened Tookie, shunned VTL, made up with VTL, got doxed by Kate Meaney, and so much more!



Blart Sampson

I’ve got a nephew who’s “queer” and he’s in a relationship with a female to male (no surgeries) trans and they consider themselves a gay couple. so if Nite is dating a guy they might consider it a gay relationship. Seem just like a straight relationship with extra steps to me but WTF do I know!