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Clearly see that "He doesn't understand the working system."

From past work I tried to tell and remind him about the language in the work and pay attention to the readers.

He promised me and asked for more money from me?

Just modify the way the characters speak?

He blames me for trying to blame him on the use of language. He said I use language badly (Thai)

So I took some of the content from the client for him to see. He doesn't care and will follow his path.

I give him a chance and if it doesn't improve I need to lay off him

I feel really bad

I have a lot of work to do and I don't want to waste time on this.





I'm sorry you have to deal with this problem. I'm sure you can get through it. Even if you need to lay him off.


Oof, sound like a tough person to work with.


Hello Lanxus. It is a bit sad information that you communicate to us here ... When you hire someone for a job and you pay him for this task, it is incomprehensible to see that this person is reluctant to do what you ask. .. Regarding the translation of your work: why don't you ask for help from the people who follow and appreciate your work? Indeed, it seems to me that a few months ago in the comments of one of your messages on Patreon, some of your patrons offered to help you.


He didnt seem that good to begin with.


I have many limitations. One of them is that I want a translator who understands Thai (because I'm not fluent in English). And another thing is that in my country, mpreg is content that most people don't accept. i feel sad but it ok if someone can help . Maybe be after this? Because now I have a lot of work thanks so much and don't need to worry and i so sorry for the big problem it All is my fault

Ronald Jennings

Why the hell would you pay someone to do something you could have had somebody like a friend do? Somebody who won’t blame you and will actually put in the work to help you and not ask to be paid. Don’t be mad btw that’s just how I ask questions sometimes but yeah why didn’t you ask a friend or a supporter of your work for translation help?

Ronald Jennings

Good, hopefully they’re a better translator to work with