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Hey ya'll!

If you're not in the know, Mori Calliope, a certain (popular) hololive vtuber is running GUN on stream today. I'm very honored (apparently she's also a patron and has excellent taste).

I've decided to the dump the game at the basic tier here so you can get the whole thing for cheap. This is all the material I've worked on for the game. Some of it's in a little rough shape! I believe the version Mori's running is the original GUN, and all the sheets here should work with that. 

I've also included GUN 1.1, which was the version I was working on converting it into a more straightforward Forged in the Dark Game. The rules are a little different, though I actually think I prefer the original rules and will return to them on a rewrite. The new version (1.1) has some more Big Deals that I wrote if you want to try those out with the original rules.

The game is unfinished and in a little messy (but very playable) state. I'll definitely return to it at some point in the future and publish it when I have less other work on my plate. In the meantime, enjoy!




David J Moore

Unlikely to ever have the opportunity to play it (so many shelved systems untested XD) but I wanted to peruse the material and send a couple of bucks your way. Hopefully it's alright that I won't be a recurring sub, given the circumstances (and am also tight for cash atm), but I wish you luck in your developments! It's a huge undertaking to make something as complex as your own system, and I'm glad for you that folks have taken notice.


This game and the chance to see more of your RPG work is what got me into supporting on Patreon. My sadly defunct gaming group had a blast with a one-shot I ran back in the day involving Civil War ghosts, an unstable Tesla rail gun, and a panda with "Horse" painted on its forehead. Glad to see it getting run to a wider audience!


literally got here from mori, stayed for the GUN. Love this game! feels so flavorful and fun


Thanks for the quality work. It was fun to see GUN in action.