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Good news! We've wrapped up the last bits of our work on Futa-Fix! Now it's in the hands of the rest of the team to finish it up.

Time for me to start kicking Cyberunique until he finishes some of the animations we've promised...

In the meantime, a quick poll for you. Since Flash is expiring next month, we've been looking into some alternatives for some future projects. One of the benefits of Flash was that it worked the same in all browsers. HTML5 on the other hand... not so much. 

So, question for you all: What do you use as your primary browser? 



Thanks for the update 😀 looking forward to the animations and I hope Vaygren.com gets a update soon too👍I been rewatching some of the older stuff, always quality work 👌 stay safe my friend


I use Iridium, which is Chromium with all of Google's integrations stripped out. I also use uBlock Origin and uMatrix to block third-party trackers and ads.