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FBX + Materials + Textures + Prefab + Scene + Animations

Hiii! Give out an very old Avatar for free x3

I hope you like it! :3

You will need:
- SDK2
- newest PoiyomiToonShader
- Dynamic Bones

- FBX included

- FullBody Tracking

- Dynamic Bones for Breast, Hair, Ears, Tail, Earrings and Clothes

- Colliders (Floor, Arms, Hips, Chest, Spine, Neck, Legs)

- Gestures

Do what you want with it.

Credits: Mostly TDA, Wetcat, Google/Bat

Open the Unity Package in a new Unity 2017.4.28f1 Project and open the scene :3

you can message me on Discord if you have any issues :3 (Nacho_#0001)



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