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其實這樣的後背鏡頭,沒有我當初想像的這麼好XD 但也是在辛苦畫完動畫線稿,實際讓它動起來後才發覺,下次有背後的物件比較大的角色,還是考慮換成其他角度吧😅

Good night everyone, this time is Amagi's little animation!

In fact, this kind of back lens is not as good as I had imagined, but it was only discovered after the painstaking drawing and actually making it move. Next time there is a character with a larger object behind it, consider changing to another angle 😅


This time the segmented animation is also integrated into one segment, with a length of 1 minute and 16 seconds. Although my canvas is opened with a 2K image value, the clip program only allows me to output a GIF with a maximum of 2000px and a video with a maximum image value of 1080p, unlike live2D. Direct output. Moreover, avi files cannot be output, which seems to be a problem with the size of the video, which is a pity. I should return to playing L2D animation next time, and I will still be comfortable with high-quality images.



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