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「あ~・・・ ちゃんと録れてる・・・ うわ・・・マジかよ・・・」と、部活のチームメイトが練習をしょっちゅうさぼって怪しい動きをしてるので、こっそりカメラを付けてみたらヤバい映像が撮れてしまったやつです😎 盗撮はダメですよ😎
" Ah~... It's really recorded....... Wow... Seriously..."
A teammate of mine in my club often skipped practice and acted suspicious, so I secretly attached a camera to him and got some bad footage 😎. 
It's a crime to take spy photos 😎.
If you subscribe to the Extra plan, you will be able to see the black line corrected version of the genitals and the rest of the scene. Thanks again for your support!



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