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格闘家を目指している男子、力試しにと怪しい地下闘技場に参戦したがあえなく返り討ちにあい、公衆の面前で辱めを受けてしまいます かわいそうです😎🥰
ショタR18+Extra プランにご加入頂いている方は差分シーンなどご覧頂けます ご支援、いつも本当にありがとうございます!
A boy who wants to become a fighter. He enters a shady underground arena to test his strength, but loses without a fight and is humiliated in public. Poor boy😎🥰😎
If you are a subscriber to the Shota R18+Extra plan, you will be able to see the difference scenes, etc. Thank you so much for your support!



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