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Hello everyone! Last month due to my content I was banned on sites such as Gumroad and Patreon. I don't have a possibility to provide my pictures there anymore. Because of these events I have not only financial damage but also lost some parts of you, my supporters. Because of these reasons I moved on FanBox to try out this service and continue growing as an artist. Feel free to subscribe to support even more cute girls. Thank you.




I'm glad to hear that I always wanted to see your contend but for some reason it does not leave me on the previous page where you were before.


You have my support!


I was going to ask that Gumroad just shot me an email saying they are refunding me the purchase i made of one of your older sets assuming they yeeted your account if you have a way for me to directly send it back to you, i'm game


I sent the additional info through personal message. Thank you :3


Let me know if you get my message. I guess I have some problems with Pixiv messages xD Also Feelfree contact me via my email: projektdiva@gmail.com


i have not gotten a pixiv message from you so i guess i'll just email you


I guess it might be because you drew some pictures of children.


The western world has strict management of minors' pictures.


Did you not contact customer service to ask the reason?