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[ Commander shoots with K2 ] I was going to draw one by one, but somehow the scale got bigger. It's faster if I finish it as soon as I think about it. But since I've been drawing every 2-4 days, I rolled my head in between and think, "Oh, this would be fun." That makes story, and story increases more page. But I have some free time these days, so I think I can draw one or two a week if possible. I'll be back next week. And the weather is weird around the world these days. It's pretty hot in Korea right now, but sometimes I hear shocking news when I watch the news. Canada, China, Germany, Japan. Abnormal high temperatures and floods.. I hope the place where you live is safe. Take care.




리퀘는 따로 받는 곳이 있으신가요?


Thank you as always for your hard work! I love your drawings so very much, hope you take care of yourself too!


It has been extremely hot in JP either. Please take care of yourself. "Imperial-system must be destroyed."


3번째는 예전에 그린 동인지 볼 수 있습니다. 답장이 너무 늦었네요.. 여기는 알람이 안오니까 뭔가 문의가 있으시면 픽시브 메일로 보내주시면 더 빠르게 답장해드릴수 있어요