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When the piracy scare cropped back up, I was fuming and on the verge of just saying fuck it, but you guys showed your integratity and while I've seen many other fanbox creators get thrown under the bus, you guys have kept thins under wraps. As thanks I'll be expanding out the content for you guys. After all, I wouldn't want it to just be me bitching about pirates, but to show you guys how it can positively benefit you as well.

Loli 2 Da Max

This is more of a global benefit. We'll keep the character polls going. Every time I release an animation based on the character poll, I'll run a new poll. The goal for this will be once a month or every other month. I'll also be working on animations personally. I'm not a god tier animator or anything, but building animations with VR in mind from scratch will certainly add to the overall expereince and immersion.

Loli 4 Life

I'm doubling what you get for this tier! Instead of the 2 most recent releases, it'll be the 4 most i.e. the current and previous months releases.

Flat Justice

I'll include a full release anim along with the DIY clips. This'll be randomly changed out each month. So along wiht the public Gura Doggy release on pixiv there will be 2 full releases to check out before committing to a higher tier.

Once again, thanks for being cool and not leaking the archive passwords. I'm not on the ledge like I was before and I'm actually looking forward to making more content again. I even have a backup in case the worse case scenario does happen at some point, but as it hasn't I wanted to show my appreciation.

P.S. - The archive from VRL had dissapeared at some point so I'm in the process of reuploading those 40 videos. Once that's done, I'll drop in the new videos for these changes.


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