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With me working on Shonen Harem, My Blue Demon, & monthly rewards, realized I have way too much on my plate. I will be removing Tier 4 because I need some time away from commissions. and I've been receiving too many as of late LOL

Tier 5 will remain, but PLEASE DON NOT join this tier if you're not financially stable.



Pero no tenías las comisiones cerradas? Entonces porque te siguen enviando?


Y por cierto los que somos del nivel 4 y ya te habíamos enviado las comisiones antes del cierre, pasaremos al nivel 3 o tendremos que suscribirnos otra vez?


They will be unsubscribed once the tier is closed. They are free to go any other tier if they want


I honestly like your work on Shonen harem and other projects better than commissions it's that good


Don’t give yourself too much work. Focusing on one thing at a time is for the best.