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Here's the list of girls that are featured for what Shonen Harem chapter. New characters might be added depending on the story of the chapter.

Chapter 2:

Featured girl(s): Bulma & Pan

Chapter 3:

Featured girl(s): Sakura Haruno

Chapter 4:

Featured girl(s): Tsuande & Rangiku

Chapter 5:

Featured girl(s): Yor Briar, Aqua, Lucy Heartfilia & Lucoa

Chapter 6:

Featured girl(s): Wendy Marvell, Tohru, & Elma

Chapter 7

Featured girl(s): Ran Mouri & Saya Takagi

Chapter 8

Featured girl(s): Megumi Tadokoro & Uta

Chapter 9

Featured girl(s): Erina Nakiri & Alice Nakiri

Chapter 10

Featured girl(s): Ilulu



The list of girls all will have sex scenes in the chapter?