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Hey everyone. The scariest thing happened to me, FanBox suspended my account and I had no idea why for the longest time until I decided to re-read the email a couple of hundred more times. But doesn't matter, I'm back now and I will continue to work on things as normal now.

I was so scared bro, this is largest source of income and I thought I was going to be homeless



There are always other sites you can use if worse comes to worse. Hope everything stays well though


glad your back


For some reason I was kicked off of supporting you. I was in Tier 2. Do you think it was because of the suspension?


I don't think so. That will happen from time to time. You can always try again


So glad you’re back. Long live the D! ……Okay that sounded weird for some reason.


That happened to me with another creator a couple if years ago


Glad your back dude you are the goat when it comes to this stuff also when you said that you will continue on things as normal does that also mean Fairy tail hentai Quest is coming back?