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I know I said recently that I was staying on FanBox, it seems that I'm not gonna be to stay here after all due to PayPal's new policy. I will be moving to SubscribeStar permanently because FanBox only has PayPal and banks only from Japan and there will no other way for me to make a living here. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Link to SubscribeStar

I know I just removed the tiers, but a friend of mine just told me not to panic and just to wait it out for the time being, but I still recommend moving over to Subscribestar. PLEASE DO NOT DO IT IF YOU'RE NOT FINANCIALLY STABLE FOR IT YET!!




From what I know, that $2500 thing has been in there since 2020. The issue is how selectively and actively they enforce it.


oh that's why I'm no longer a support. I've been wondering. I followed you here from patrone. I don't think i can follow you again :/ do you still do updates here? apart from the last post _)