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Hey everyone! I just want everyone to know that Fairy Brothel & the Edens Zero doujinshi will be postponed for the time being and I'm going to mainly focus on Fairy Tail: H Quest.

My co-writer and I have talked about it for a while and I think it would be best to continue this project because it is something that a lot of people want to see, rather than some projects that I keep posting on the spot with no planning.

I hope you will understand and I apologize for the inconvenience



don't worry - just too many projects at once can "break" a person and yes i am waiting for h-quest xD focus on one thing first - if there is enough room for improvement - you can always do one of the other two. maybe a fixed chapter release date would also be good? doesn't have to be every week - that's the way to get an overview of what's coming. But if it turns into stress - then stay as it is. i like your art style that's why you have my support anyway


Probably a good idea, working on 4 projects simultaneously (H Quest, Brothel, EZ, and Blue Demon) plus all your commisions would likely overwhelm you before long, I'd stick with 2 projects at a time so that if you find yourself burnt out on one project you can switch to the other for a bit. Plus your commisions as a small break from both projects from time to time.