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Mitari no Sono Ep.167






Nush-sensei you are a god-tier artist!!! To be able to draw such sexy dry feet, it's amazing!! So hot!!!


いいね、角質の足裏 年上女性のチャイムポイント 人生に頑張った証拠 まだ新しい性癖に目覚める…!


Inori telling her to lick it is crazy lol


角質まみれの足裏絶対美味しい♡ それで足コキは天国過ぎる‥! 刺激ヤバくて絶対“気持ちいい“


Oh my.... <3 Inori's mom is a pro. Can't imagine what happens in the next chapter. 🥰


Little sister feet are too good


I wish he could have lick the mothers feet more.


This article is so hot. I can’t wait for my mom’s footjob!!!


More of her little Sister <3


Forgive me for sounding rude, but, once this ( awesome and very amazing looking ) arc is done, which arc are we going to resume with first? I asked this because, once we got to episode 153, it felt like three stories were happening at once. First, there was the intro with Kei sniffing Inori's socks ( Unless that was just it's own extra/mini arc, which is also good ), then we shifted into an Incredible and highly anticipated shrinking arc ( Personally, i hope we jump right back onto this one, your giantess drawings are so great and it felt like that story was left on a cliffhanger ), then we went to a brief intro to Chise's mom, and now we're here at the Inori residence, not that i will ever complain about that. It just felt like so many shift changes were happening at once with no true continuation/conclusion to them, other than the current one. If you are doing it that way, so as not to lose interest from staying on a single arc far too long, understandable, I'm just curious is all.


Thank you for giving me your opinion. As a result of trying a long arc before, I left behind people who were interested in other genres, so I changed it to a style that makes a lot of short stories like now. If I decide that this method is also not appropriate, I may change the style again.


Ah, i see, you mean like the first episodes. To be quite honest, i do prefer the manga-style, panels over the one image per page style, but the length of the stories so far and previously have always been great. I was just a little confused because the other two previous stories ( The Antitoxin and the Secretary ) didn't seem to have a continuation and immediately moved into a whole other chapter, not that I'm not enjoying it, glad we finally see Inori's mom and sister.