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Recently, I've been watching DBZ while drawing. I started watching DBZ after a long time, I can't stop watching it. Toriyama Sensei picture style is difficult to own💦





I love DBZ and love the artwork you've drawn of Bulma and young gohan on planet namek! Yeah Toriyami's artstyle is quite unique so I understand the feeling of getting his style down, though with practice you'll probably understand how it works. Happy to know you're re-watching DBZ, I re-watched the series a number of times in the past and caught up with it including super. Have fun watching through it all and thanks for drawing this fanart of bulma's sexy feet!😊

yee is yee

ブルマ「私をこんな場所に置き去りにした罰よ♡クリリンが戻る前に精通させてあげるわ♡」 に対しての自分の反応 何言ってんだこいつ       __      /-  -\   / (● ●)ヽ   |   )(__人__) |   \   。 ゚̄Jノ   / _     \   (____ヽ  __  )     |  | ̄ ̄(__/     |  | ポテチ |     |  |____〉