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I know I said I was going to take a break but...

Whenever a new year approaches, I go check スタンブローAg精錬所's blog (you can look for it using the text in bold, just click on the link that says FC2), to see if there are any updates, however, like almost always, there's nothing more than old content, it saddens me a lot but in the end I just hope スタンブロー sensei is doing fine.

Anyways, among the links (follow this in case you want to see it for your self: click 入る -> 中二病の部屋 -> タイトル未定) you can find a work that has no title decided yet with some pictures of renderings that スタンブロー updated for some time but in the end, abandoned (at least until now, in the words of the author: 制作一時停止中, which basically means that production for it has stopped since 2015). The pictures there show some character and concierge uniforms concepts that caught my attention a while ago but never did anything about it, until now.

Today, before the year ends, I decided to give that uniform a try, and see what I could come up with. I managed to model and mod into the game a loincloth that I incorrectly named [Sutanburo fundoshi], the result looks fine, but the cloth keeps on clipping on the body unless you modify the skirt scale. The rest of the outfit are just already existing clothes with some accessories I added to make it look similar to the concepts on the images by スタンブロー, I hope I can eventually mod properly those clothes into the game.

For now I'm sharing the outfit and mod here (this time, the zip file has no password), but the character is still a work in progress, and it is not my main priority, still if you want me to work on this character (and their required mods) quickly, please let me know in the comments or by simply giving this post a like.

Outfit and mod

I have one more small post to share so please check that one out too!




looking forward for it