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Finally got a decent break from my hectic work schedule. I'm going to roll the dice and move forward with the game despite having Shotas in it. I do plan to release it on the Western market although it might get banned.

The game plot will be about a young boy going through puberty with the help his perverted teacher, cold-hearted co-worker, and his sexually promiscious next door neighbor. I wanted to add more characters but I personally believe in quality over quantity. That way I can build up the character more effectively. Game style will be RPG-MAKER with heavy Visual Novel elements.

I have already started to gather resources such as the new RPG-Maker MZ engine as well as Clip Studio 2.0 for the background generator. I'll most likely need to hire other artists to create character models on RPG-Maker since pixel art is out of my element. I'm breaking the bank already and will probably need futher funding in the future once I get a sturdy momentum going.

Character building and momentum leading up to the sex scene will be slow but impactful.

My main focus is to adapt more of a japanese doujin style and that is natural dialouge and character building that will fit the demographics of the characters. For example, young characters should be naive and innocent. Even sexually-determined young characters should show some sort of restraint due to their lack of experience. I just recently finished the Flatcheez series and cannot emphasized how good the plot is. Momentum is imperative for a good sex scene!

There will be a boy and girl sidekick with the main character. They will be his school friends. Sorry to say, but there will no sexual encounters with the loli character. She's only there for the plot. His male friend; however, will be involved with a threesome with one of the woman characters which is yet to be determined.

There will be various fetishes but nothing too extreme such as water sport, subtle dominatrix, and pregnant sex (Optional)

Anyways I'll be working on concept art for the teacher next! Stay tune!


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