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Here is the MEGA link (MEGAリンクはこちらです。)



I'll change the link each month. So be sure to check here regularly.


Please tell me if MEGA link is corrupt / unavailable / contain undecrypted files


You need HF patch to make most of my scene work. You can get it here:

I currently use HF patch 3.20

Additional mod and plugin that I use:

1. Zurisage Pant

This mod is to pulled down panties slightly around legs instead of hanging it on one leg. This mod used to exist around HF patch 3.13 but then removed. You can't find this mod by googling. You can download it from my mega.

2. Additional FK nodes

Without this plugin, most of my scene data with sex scene will have the penis clipping out of tummy. This plugin is removed on HF patch 3.19. You can download Better Penetration package bellow and put the Additional FK nodes plugin in BepInEx\plugins.



I'm new to koikatsu, can you explain what the scene data is and how to use it? I understand how to use the character cards but not the scene data.


You can load scene data in program called "Chara Studio" Chara studio should be included in koikatsu folder. Make sure to instal HF patch on your koikatsu 👍


Is there any way to download other than MEGA?