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後輩くんとポチャ先輩 全裸流しそうめん編です。Skebでのご依頼で描かせていただきました。ありがとうございます!🙏 ツイッターでぼんやり全裸流しそうめんって呟いたのが元ネタですw 久しぶりにこの二人描いたらなんか幼くなっちゃいました(特にポチャ先輩)。まあ可愛いので良し!ってことにしといてください( ꈍᴗꈍ) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Skeb request for a nude Nagashi Somen version of "Kohai-kun and Pocha-senpai". Thank you very much! I drew this one on Twitter 🙏 I tweeted "naked sink somen" in a daze, and that's the original story. I drew these two for the first time in a long time, and they became kind of young (especially Pocha-senpai). But they are cute, so it's OK! I hope you like it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Original⇩ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/juevv95j8an67tv/AADd-WKV1tJqxei2SwREWYnXa?dl=0
