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Evening peeps, Scriptor here with the latest dev newsssss!

Game development

I’ve rendered, written and implemented most of the security drone fail-state extension: As I mentioned in the previous update, I wanted the extension to give a glimpse of what’s like being the hunter (instead of the huntee) inside the simulation. And what better way than patrolling one of the factory’s long hallways, with street thugs pouring in through the cracks seeking the place’s secrets... Only to find a quick one-way ticket to the many production lines instead; hand-delivered by drone Kat herself (or rather itself). >;3

Make no mistake however; since although Kat’s in a “power role” during this extension... She’s still utterly bound to the mainframe directing her, both in mind and body. As such expect this extension to heavily lean into the “mindless drone” vibe as well. 💪

Anyhow I plan to wrap the last few things up tomorrow, so that come Friday I can get started on the bondage design for the new (prisonship) epilogue. Stay tuned for teasers of that coming Sunday!

Onto the teasers!


More in-game teasers today; this time of the security drone bad end’s extension! It being a “role reversal” of when Kat meets the shiny muscle-bound babes in the factory herself, it could not go without a mirror-fight against one of the factory’s other interlopers... In this case one of cybercity’s street thugs!

Unfortunately for the street thugs, in terms of the power-scale they rank a lot lower than the security drones, so once drone Kat gets her (its) hands on them it basically can go only one way. That said these are but “common enemies” in the simulation, so who knows...

Maybe their leader has better luck surviving the new security drone. >;3

And that’s all for this dev update, see you peeps at the next one this Sunday!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a message for the link! ^^
