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Heya folks, Scriptor here with the latest dev newssss!

Game development

The upcoming version of No escape has gone into beta, and is currently being play-tested as I’m writing this dev update: I crunched like a md man and managed to put in the entire rubber flower fail-state last Friday, meaning that now all of the base content I definitely wanted to add in this update cycle has been put into the game. Thus the upcoming build has been officially pushed into the beta version; only some (heavy) polishing (and adding in some extra juiciness) remaining. 💪

I’ll be pulling the official release date of V0.29.1 forward, though only by a few days. I want to use the “extra time” I’ve got now to add in some more kinky goodness to the upcoming update in the form of trap(s). Which I’ll be working on in the coming week (together with bugfixing and polishing); with the new E.T.A. of V0.29.1 being set to the 25th of February (coming Sunday). ^^

As to what I’ve got planned for those traps? Well I won’t spoiler too much (for once, ha!) But I will say they will be something plant-ey... You folks will see it in the last teasers of this dev cycle (coming Wednesday). ;3

Time for today’s teasers!


More teasers of the Pixie and her grove this evening! First showing off both the Pixie (and her sprite) in-game, she offers Kathleen the “choice” of two games to play with her...

The first one being “tag”, though one could describe it more as a battle than a game (or at least that’s how it feels for Kat). Careful about the pixie’s attack though; getting hit by her “super attack” is an instant loss! ;0

And finally a teaser of Kathleen stuck securely within one of the stalks, still desperately trying (but alas to little avail) her best to wiggle out of the thing!

That’s all for this dev update, see you folks this Wednesday at the next one!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a message for the link! ^^




Awesome! Can’t wait to play through it