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Heyo peeps, Scriptor here with the latest dev newsss! ;3

Game development

I’ve had some quality issues with the images for the warlock capture sequence, though I’ve (luckily) found the fix for this two hours ago: To sum it up I had massive grain/noise issues with most of the images during this sequence; it was so much that I could barely remove it in Photoshop without destroying the image itself, giving lack-luster quality throughout the sequence.

I had no idea what caused this grain and looking into the usual trouble-makers (too little direct light in the scene, overamped spot lights, weird artefacts in the objects etc.) didn’t bring anything forward… Until I stumbled over the fact that the creator of the scene which I’m using for the capture sequence (the room is a 3rd party asset) had put in ghost lights to help brighten the place up. This is by no means a bad thing to do, but when DAZ updated to V4.20 it broke all the “old” ghost lights, and newer ones had to be run from a different script. Unfortunately it seems that the ghost lights packaged with the scene were still running on the (broken) old way, hence the massive grain issues…

To compare, I’ve just rendered out a redo of one of the images with “fixed” (ghost) lightning. Both are denoised in Photoshop, though the new one has only a light denoise pass to get rid of the minor grain (while the old image had multi-passes with masked layers for the most problematic areas):

The old image (broken ghost light):

The new image (fixed light):

If you look carefully at the warlock’s hair, lips and neck broch I think you can see the difference quite clearly. The new images are also a tad brighter than the old ones; though I feel that’s acceptable considering the huge difference in grain issues.

I’ll be re-rendering all the images I already had (30 or so) with this new lightning setup; also changing the new ones from today to the new setup as well. It should cause me a lot less headaches moving forward and that’s a good thing because an important part (the suiting) of the attached fail-state will also take place in that room… Gotta do it just after all. >;3

Anyhow I’ll be finishing up the capture sequence tomorrow, afterwards jumping right into the attached fail-state. Goal is to have the bulk of that one done by the end of this week, so that in the latter half of the next one I can start implementing most of the warlock stuff into the game. 💪

A tight squeeze!

The second chapter of “A tight squeeze” is out for Tier III since yesterday, dropping for Tier II tomorrow and Tier I this Thursday: It focusses a lot more on rubbery bondage that the first chapter of the comic did, so I hope you guys will find it enjoyable. ^^

Third chapter is currently a WIP, which I’ll be developing besides No escape this month in a 25/75 split (with the bulk of my time going towards No escape). I’m aiming to have the third chapter done by the end of this month, though this will also depend a bit on how stuff goes with development of No escape (since that one takes priority). We’ll see how it goes.

Onto the teasers!


Since I’m redoing almost all the warlock capture images tonight, we’ll instead have some teasers of the trap extensions this time around! Short-but-sweet, they are by no means as long as the full-length fail-states, but will nonetheless extend the current traps into their own little epilogues together with some juicy new images. ;3

That’s all for this dev update, see you guys at the next one this Wednesday!




Ps. For those interested I also have a Discord, if you’d like come check it out since it’s a pretty chill place! ;3 (Exclusive stuff will always be posted on the FANBOX/Subscribestar pages and not on the Discord, so don’t feel forced to join!): Send me a PM for the link! ^^



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