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Ave senators!

See the links for V0.23.1 of No escape: Game edition! See the changelog for all of the changes, but in a nutshell: The desert VR-world has had a big aesthetic overhaul, together with turning the desert bandit fail-state into the second playable fail-state in the game and adding the jackal mini-boss + fail-state.

To start the new content visit the desert VR-world; to check out the desert bandit content just get captured and fail-stated by them, and to check out the jackal stuff just have a chat with Goddess and ask her for “help” to survive the simulations. To check out the new sprite-work for the yellow goop mini-boss you’ll need to reload a save before its fight. ;3

It’s not as a sizable update as the previous one; but then again this update was largely meant as a good quality-of-life update for the desert VR-world, add some more content there and to bridge the two super busy weeks of mine at the beginning of August. I hope you guys manage to enjoy the update nonetheless, rest assured that the next one will pick things up back in the Cybercity VR-world! ^^

**Update**: Fixed a small but important issue which prevented players from exiting the base camp after talking to Rose. Links have been updated with this hotfix, if you've a version with this issue please re-download the game from below or apply this hotfix:




















I´m excited, cant wait to play, thx.


Praise be to the Jackal!


seem to have an issue with being stuck in black screen after bandit capture and escape


Okay, that's not good; could you tell me where the black screen exactly triggers (so does it trigger when you actually try to exit the bandits camp, or afterwards inside the desert map(s)? Is it a random soft-lock or does it happen consequently in the same spot)?


another issue when reaching the tomb and talkning to godess, when she gives you the suit it plays the animation and sound but doenst proceed to the next scene


I can't view the rubber goop images in the recall room but I have finished the fight with it before hand


Noted, thanks for reporting. Which version are you running (quad-HD or potato)?


Okay, thanks for reporting! ^^ Just to dive into this issue a bit deeper; did you lose the fight to the goop and actually saw one of the two fail-states, or did you win the fight and proceeded with the game?


Hi Scriptor Bit of a bug in the base camp trader shop - there are 2 traders in the store (original one and a new character) and as soon as you interact the game freezes. It's been an issue for a few versions of the game but now has an impact on the dagger trade.


Hi Jack! First time I've heard about it; just to be clear you've used the maid boots to cross the spikes and are currently in the second VR-world (progression-wise)?


Aaaaah I'm already seeing the continuity issue; you've used the maidboots to cross the spikes/fought goddess, then went to the next VR-world, and afterwards came back, which causes the intro in the traders tent to collide with the new trader (the worker). Lol, always funny how those things manage to slip through the cracks haha! I'll fix it before the next release;thanks for reporting! ^^


Alright, one last thing you could try is pressing F2 when the screen gets stuck; it brings up an FPS counter which is useful during bug hunts; if it drops down to ~1-0 it means it's a hard freeze and the engine itself is at fault, if the FPS hovers at ~60FPS it means it's due to my (crappy) coding. Could you do me a solid and check which one of the two seems to be the issue for you? I'be just tried to recreate the issue on my end but been unsuccessful at doing so (it runs like normal). And final question; are you trying to talk to goddess before or after you've (potentially) gotten the maid heels from Rose?


Yeah, it has been there some time but because of wanting to take the dagger to the trader it has an impact on resolution of the story. Some nice additions this update. Still waiting for Katherine do a Neo and actually take control the Matrix in one of these worlds - imagine if she became the big bad and ended up trapped because she was literally now part of the programme and not its victim


the fps are between 25-30 and i do not have the heels


sorry for the late reply, its just after the escape part after you start at the camp, after you escape it stays on a black screen, i have discovered that if you hold down after the black screen appears eventually it will place you outside the tent as normal


Ah I see; in that case to unlock the fail-state in the recall room you need to lose to it once (either during the battle or just plain submitting to it, by keeping standing on the plateau) to unlock it in the recall rooms. The good news is that the yellow goop fail-state has some updated sprite-work including a (small) struggle animation, that one is (for now) only viewable inside the pyramid itself. ;3 ^^


No worries, I appreciate you getting back to me. ;3 ^^ It's probably an exit hook that's busted inside the code. I'll be sure to check it out and fix it before the next release; thanks for reporting! 💯😁


Okay, that's pretty low but no hard freeze in that case. My advice would be to give the potato version a try; your saves from the quad-HD version are fully usable in that one and the key difference between the potato and quad-HD versions is that the potato version has a smaller resolution, making it less hardware intensive (thus hopefully not causing the freeze and give you a better FPS). ;3 ^^ If this doesn't help and that part remains unplayable please let me know!


Can you accesses the goo platform boss even thou I have cleared the desert level?


Unfortunately no, it will require a new game or save before you've come across the forgotten corridor. 💪


the potato version worked but even on previous builds i allways played the HD i dont know what was wrong this time


Really weird yeah; might've something to do with the "movie" format inside Rpgmaker MV since that's the thing that seems to be causing the issue for you (and some others). Going forward I'll be adding an option to any and all of these movies to skip them, I'll also be looking in a way to stabilize the movie format itself but it does seem to be a "known" issue with Rpgmaker. In any case sorry for the hassle; bugfix version will release somewhere around the end of this week! 💪💯